At 9 am we started our journey to Draksharamam and visited the Bhimeswara swamy temple. It has taken the longest time nearly 3 hours as it was the peak time and also Drksharamam is also more popular next only to Amaravathi. Since I have already described performing ABHISHEKAM couple of moths ago, in relted blog, l will write about the next temple that we visited that is Palakollu Ramalingeswara swamy. As I enetered the Ramalingeswara swamy temple, Poojari approached me and told me that he will perform Abhishekam. I took necessary Milk and archana samagri and proceeded along with him. Poojari took us to the place near to the place where they only can enter (special door towards the rear side of the temple) and performed the slokas with markandeya Gotram and my sons Anil, Venkat and my daughter Rohini and all near and dear were blessed by the Poojari. This is done outside the Garbha gudi. Then he took me and other two families also inside very near to the Shivalangam garbha gudi. As Poojari was performing the Abhishekam I prayed to the Lord to bless all my three children and particularly to bless my daughter with putra santhanam. After coming out I took blessing from the Poojar touching his feet and dakshina (Rs.20 only). He gave me the co-conut with milk that is the ksheera (milk) from the abhisheka Jala along with beetle leaves. After taking it to the bus, I have given it to bot the drivers as theertham. Both of them have become friends as they were intially introduced to me by Srinivas (Babai of my son-in-law who is their collegue. In fact, Srinivas has booked the ticket for me as it was very difficult to get the booking 2 days in advance. Many booked their tickets as early as 1 or 2 weeks in advance. KSHIRABHISHEKAM at Palakollu has been the most satisfying Pooja that I have had in the Pancharamas. I also took Ghee and 364 vattulu and lighted the deeparadhana in a earthen Pramida at Palakollu. Almost in all the places I performed the Deeparadhana and prayed to the Lord to bless my children with peaceand prosperity.